Umeed Therapy Center

Groundbreaking Ceremony


Groundbreaking Ceremony of “Umeed Therapy Center” The groundbreaking ceremony for Umeed Therapy Center was held on 29th December, 2017 at Markaz-e-umeed.


The Umeed Therapy center will be a great asset to our community in terms of providing Early Intervention Program to children with special needs.

Early intervention services include:


1. Screening and assessment
2. Speech and language therapy
3. Physical or occupational therapy
4. Psychological services
5. Counseling and training for a family
6. Assistive technology (devices a child might need)
7. Social work services
8. Transportation
9. Audiology or hearing services


Our school will serve the children with special needs by providing them with services that will allow them to excel in all aspects of life.


For Local Donor

Account Title:

Account Number:
0135 1010 1004 8894

IBAN Account Number:
PK71-MUCB-0135 1010 1004 8894

MCB Bank Limited (Pakistan)

For Local Donor

Account Title:
Vocational Welfare Society for MR

IBAN Account Number:
PK61-MPBL-0322 0271 4010 1905

Swift Code:
